Banging away at golf balls on the driving range can get pretty boring. Plus, we all complain that we hit it great on the range, but when we get out on the golf course, it's a different story. Well, I hate to be cliché, but here goes: You get out of it what you put into it.
Here's a book of drills by one of golf's prominent teachers to the pros, Jim McLean. Jim has golf schools all over the country and these drills are being used at all of them. (By the way, you can get a private lesson with Jim for 90 minutes for only $5,000. Hmm, maybe stick with this book for now.)
This is a great book that I like to keep in my "library." (I put "library" in quotes because this is a classy website and I would never want to offend anybody's delicate sensibilities with vulgar language like "potty.") There are hundreds of tips in here that encompass all facets to the golf swing.
The best thing about the book is most of the tips are very simple and easily retained. For example when discussing grip pressure, he teaches you to experiment by trying different grips using pressures rating them from 1-10, 1 being the lightest and 10 equaling squeezing the daylights out of the club. Then hit some shots and vary your pressure and find the one that allows you to hit the ball the most powerfully and accurately. He goes onto add: You can also vary pressure in each hand to hit specific shots. Grip the club lightly in the right to hit a slice, and lightly in the left for a hook.
The only thing I don't like about the book is there are no real discussions of the complete swing. I guess you have to get Jim's book, "The Eight Step Swing: The Top Selling Swing System that has Revolutionized the Teaching Industry" for that.
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