Let's go to the mail bag, shall we?
Dear ZipGolfer,
I heard that all the power from the golf swing comes from your wrists un-cocking. Is this true, and how do I learn the correct wrist cock?
- Limp Wristed in Omaha, NE
You are partially correct, Limp. A lot of the power in your golf swing comes from the speed of your wrists un-cocking through impact. (Although this energy transferred to your golf ball through your wrists un-hinging ultimately comes from making a good turn and building torque in your body, but that's another blog. For a training aid that helps you make a powerful turn, check out The Swing Extender.)
The wrist cock is one of the most confusing and difficult things to learn in the golf swing. But it is one of the most important to understand and master.
This Swingyde is the best training aid that I've seen for learning the wrist cock and putting your hands in correct position at the top of your backswing. It's really ingenious. It's simply a plastic mechanism that you attach quickly and easily to the shaft of any golf club with a wing nut. As you swing the club back, the Swingyde touches your left forearm and will direct you to put your hands in a perfect square position at the top of the backswing. What's more is this will also put your arms on the correct swing plane, because the device will not line up with your forearm unless you are perfectly on plane.
I highly recommend this for all levels of golfers. This is a great tool for beginners as well as scratch golfers. My buddy Nick (a three handicapper) takes this to the range every time he goes.
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